We are here to assist you! Contact Proud.
I can't find an optician nearby that is a Proud dealer. Can I buy online?
Don't worry if you can't find Proud frames at a nearby optician, we just need to know which models you would like to try on and your zip code, we will take care of locating an optician where you can start feeling Proud.
I have an Optician and I want to distribute Proud. What should I do?
In the "I want to sell them" tab, you will find a small form where you can leave us your information, so that we can attend you personally. We will explain what the advantages and requirements for our distributors are.
If you want in a simple way, you can contact us by WhatsApp at +34 96 277 22 91 number. Yes, it is our WhatsApp Business, the easiest way to communicate.